Registered charity number: 229798
18 Ashley Lane, Hordle, HAMPSHIRE SO41 0GA
Please note the above address should not be used for enquiries, booking correspondence or delivering cheques or cash.
The WI Hall is owned by Hordle WI, and available for hire.
The facilities available are:
The Main hall
- A pull down screen available on the stage but NO PROJECTOR!
- Wfi - password available on request!
- Capacity 100 people
- 8 long Tables - seating 8 or 6 comfortably for a meal
- 12 small square tables - seating 4 or 2 comfortably for a meal
- fifty red padded chairs
- fifty blue plastic chairs
Kitchen equipped with
Two Unisex Toilets
Car Parking is available off Vaggs Lane, signposted P Hordle Pavilion. The WI Hall entrance is behind the Scout hut, through a metal gate along the path, by the side of the childrens play area.
Please check the ‘regular users contact page, it indicates the current regular hiring schedule for 2024.
Amongst our current regular users are:
Pilates, Zumba. Slimming World. Yoga. Hordle Brownies. Charisma Dance Academy. NHS
Should you wish to part take of any of the sessions listed above, please contact the hirer direct to ascertain whether there are spaces in their sessions. The various groups contact details are shown on the regular users contact page.
For further information regarding hiring the hall for regular weekly/once a month sessions click on our Hall Booking page or email
As single lets are not shown, click on the email link above for information and availability. The current hire fee is £14.00 per hour which includes use of kitchen.
The hire fees are reviewed each November and any increase starts on the 1st January.