Welcome to Hordle WI.
18 Ashley Lane, Hordle Lymington, Hants, SO41 0GA
As a visitor you are able to attend for up to three visits, then we hope you may decide to come along regularly and join our membership here at Hordle. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, the doors open at 1:30 for a 2:00 pm start. Following the welcome by the President the meeting starts with the speaker first, then a break for a cuppa, followed by our business meeting to discuss WI matters and future events, plus draw the raffle.
In addition to our monthly meeting, we have smaller interest groups: a weekly craft group meets every Monday 1400 - 1600. The walking group is the second Tuesday of each month in the morning. On the 2nd Thursday of each month there is a Games club meeting in the hall 1330 - 1530. On the 3rd Thursday we meet together for a pub lunch usually 1215 for a 1230 meal.
We currently have 45 members and members are encouraged to put forward ideas and suggestions for activities, speakers and additional groups, besides walking, craft and games afternoons.
Our 2024 annual membership fee is £48.00 and £23.60 is retained by Hordle WI to pay for speakers. The subscription year runs from April to March, and new members joining after April pay on a pro-rata basis during year. If you are a tax payer, we can claim Gift Aid on subscriptions and forms can be obatined from
We hope you may decide to join Hordle WI and become a member of the oldest women’s organisation in Hordle village and enjoy the company of like-minded ladies, joining in the various activities on offer. You would be in good company! The Women’s Institute (WI) was originally founded in 1897 in Canada and started in the UK in 1915. Hordle WI was formed in May 1919. The WI helped on the home front during the 1st World War and one of our most successful campaigns was “Keep Britain Tidy”.
Hordle WI
Where: WI Hall Hordle, 18 Ashley Lane, Hordle, SO41 0GA
When: 1st Tuesday monthly
Time: 2pm - 4pm (doors open at 1:30 pm)
Clubs for Hordle WI members
- Chatty Craft every Monday 1400 - 1600 (WI Hall)
- Walking Group 2nd Tuesday morning (except Aug, Dec, Jan)
- Games Club 2nd Thursday 1330 0 1530 (WI Hall)
- Pub lunch 3rd Thursday meet up at 1215 for 1230 lunch
Social Events
We arrange outings, fish and quiz evenings, cream tea, Christmas lunch.
Saltern Group
Includes members from: Boldre & South Baddesley, Everton, Hordle, Lymington, Milford on Sea and Pennington. Saltern group organise special events during the year to which currently twelve members from Hordle are able to attend.