After attending as a visitor on the third occasion, in the hope that you may wish to join Hordle WI our Secretary Yvonne  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will make contact to hand you membership forms to complete.  Once you have completed the forms to register and paid the appropriate subscription for the year to our Treasurer, Carole, you are able to join any of the other groups connected with Hordle WI Hall:  Crafts, Walking and Games club and monthly Pub Lunches.


 IMG 5251        Some of our New Forest Show entries for the WI Tent 2024


9d9053f2 93d0 4ead aeb7 eecdfbf322e6       Ready to welcome visitors to our Craft fair April 2024

IMG 1244 Members at the patchwork group with the bags they have made.


Members of the Craft group decorating our railings outside the hall, knitted items commemorating the Queen's 70 years of reign in 2022.


Craft members attaching the knitted Christmas items to netting, ready to hug the tree which was planted to celebrate our WI's diamond anniversary in 1979.

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