Craft Group
Our Chatty Craft Group is held in the hall every Monday 1400 - 1600.
Our members knit, sew/patchwork, card making and crotchet whilst chatting as well as working on projects together for the New Forest show. A number of members enter the annual New Forest Show where the Hampshire WI Federation has a marquee displaying all the entries for the WI annual competition. The Show is held in July for three days and well worth a visit. You do not have to be a member of the weekly craft group to enter either, all members are encouraged to have a go
Some crafters have yarn bombed our railings for Christmas, the Queens Jubilee, Kings Coronation as well as Poppies both knitted and crotcheted to decorate the tree by the entrance into the WI hall.
All members are welcome especially during the winter months to come along for a warm up, a cuppa and chat whilst the crafters carry on being 'crafty'!